Submission Confirmation of Section 204/CMS RxDC

On May 22, 2024, PharmAvail successfully submitted data in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) ahead of the June 1 deadline.

Thumbnail of Submission Confirmation of Section 204/CMS RxDC

PharmAvail is pleased to report that the RxDC reporting required under Section 204 of the Consolidation Appropriations Act was successfully submitted on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, ahead of the CMS deadline of June 1, 2024.

PharmAvail has worked diligently since this regulation was passed to ensure total compliance with the ever-evolving requirements related to the RxDC reporting. Even though the CMS requirements place the obligation to report on the plan sponsors, as a partner in healthcare PharmAvail felt it was in line with our company values to offer assistance in this process.

Files Submitted:

  • P2 Group health plan list
  • D3 Top 50 most frequent brand drugs
  • D4 Top 50 most costly drugs
  • D5 Top 50 drugs by spending increase
  • D6 Rx totals
  • D7 Rx rebates by therapeutic class
  • D8 Rx rebates for the top 25 drugs
  • Narrative Response_RY 2023_FINAL.pdf
  • PharmAvail Missing Crosswalk.csv


We are pleased to provide this service at no charge to our clients. At PharmAvail , we work closely with our clients to ensure their unique needs are met.  Known for our high-touch service, actionable analytics, and forward-thinking management strategies, we take a collaborative approach to controlling costs without compromising care.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly at